Here's to the new year!
Hi everyone!
Especially enthusiastic greetings for all prospective newcomers to Durham! We hope to see you in the upcoming auditions in October :)
Just a couple of dates for the diary and some info for you. No doubt you will be swamped with hundreds of similar messages, so we thought we'd get ours out early so you have time to absorb it before coming.
Freshers Fair, 4th & 5th October 2016 (Elvet Riverside)
Come along to the DUCC stall at the university Freshers’ Fair, showcasing the many societies which Durham has to offer. At our stall you can sign up to audition for the choir, ask any of the three members of the exec about the choir or just come and say hello! We look forward to meeting lots of you there.
Auditioning for the Choir – what to expect
After selecting one of the available ten minute audition slots at the Freshers’ Fair, your audition will have a number of different parts. The first will be your prepared piece, which you should choose to demonstrate your range and musicality – please bring a copy for the accompanist should you require one. We may also do some range and aural tests, as well as some sight-reading. We may also ask a little about why you are interested in the choir and what other musical plans you have for the academic year. Best of luck to everyone!